This classic stage drama used the Salem Witch Trials (1692) to explore how fear, hysteria, and the abuse of power can affect innocent people.

The Fmuth Players production will present a uniquely creative update using the Russian Revolution (1917-1922) as the background. 

You won't want to miss this!  

Use the link below to purchase BPAC general admission tickets.

Fmuth Players present "The Crucible" April 26-28

"The Crucible" by playwright Arthur Miller came out in 1953. 

This classic stage drama used the Salem Witch Trials (1692) to explore how fear, hysteria, and the abuse of power can affect innocent people.

The Fmuth Players production will present a uniquely creative update using the Russian Revolution (1917-1922) as the background. 

You won't want to miss this!  

Use the link below to purchase BPAC general admission tickets.

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