The Eagle Express is a dedicated wing located in List Elementary. 

As you can imagine, there will be a non-stop buzz of activity by students enrolled in the 3 & 4-year-old program, the Bridge to Kindergarten program, and Young 5's. 

Please call Michelle or Sara Woolwine at (989) 502-1724 to learn more.  

The link to the website is given below.

This isn't what it looks like!

Students in the summer daycare program run by FSD's Eagle Express celebrated their last day of school on August 24 with a gigantic foam party.

 Early Childhood Director Michelle Gatza couldn't resist joining in the fun, too! 

"Like every other program in our district, we're getting ready to start the new school year with a bang," she said. "We're excited to see lots of new and familiar smiles this fall!" 

The Eagle Express is a dedicated wing located in List Elementary. 

As you can imagine, there will be a non-stop buzz of activity by students enrolled in the 3 & 4-year-old program, the Bridge to Kindergarten program, and Young 5's. 

Please call Michelle or Sara Woolwine at (989) 502-1724 to learn more.  

The link to the website is given below.

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