[email protected] or (989) 652-9955 Ext: 1806. We appreciate your consideration!

Help out with Science Olympiad!

We need your help with Science Olympiad! We are looking for professionals in our community (people with experience in the fields of science, engineering, machinists, chemistry, healthcare, etc.) who would be willing to use their background to help "write tests" to challenge our Science Olympiad competitors during the tournament. We are also seeking volunteers from the same group of professionals to help create actual "hands on" challenges in keeping in their field for our Science Olympiad competitors to tackle during the event.

For example, a machinist might challenge students to design or build a better mousetrap. We're open to all kinds of ideas.

The tournament on March 5 is an in-person, daytime event. But even if you cannot attend, we could still use your help prior to March 5 with the "test writing" component.

If you're interested in helping or would like more information, please contact Jessie Bassett at [email protected] or (989) 652-9955 Ext: 1806. We appreciate your consideration!

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