Kindergarten in 1944

Charlotte Greenlee, from the Class of 1958, sent in the nicest letter with this fun story and kindergarten class photo from 1944.

Charlotte shared, "Mrs. Zink (the teacher at the time), emptied her living room of all furniture and set up four six-foot tables to serve as the kindergarten classroom.

The most memorable event in kindergarten was the day that Uncle Ben Trinklein's pig escaped from his pen (their farm was across the street from the Zink home.) All the students had to put on their snowsuits, boots, hats, and mittens, and under the supervision of Mrs. Zink, we chased the pig back into her pen!"

What a great story of Frankenmuth kindergarten back in the day! And isn’t it wonderful how kindergarten faces look just as adorable then as they do now?

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